

“Koji-San—” she utters, frosted by the bite of air in an unplanned destination. “I’m a woman,” she expiates softly. “When you said you love me,

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Given the explosion of Korean cinema onto the global platform in the last twenty-odd years, the Koreans have positioned themselves as fine craftsmen. Unease, or

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Muna Moto

Being unsettled is something that one comes to expect when being immersed in a film. Much of Syd Field’s gospel advice is centred around hanging

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Mississippi Masala

“It is easy to be King of Kampala,” tells Okelo, saddled with resigned frustration, fanned by the flames beside him. “Why don’t you try to

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Polanski’s second feature, made on the murky shores of the Thames, begins quiescently with Catherine Deneuve’s iris. Even in the absence of colour, one makes

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Chan is Missing

With light stripping away half of the frame, surrendering the remainder to the shadows, all we see is a car surfing across Chinatown’s streets. Playfully

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